Dronesynth is available as a DIY kit only. You can get it EU-wide via >> Exploding Shed <<
Dronesynth is a four OSC stereo Drone synthesizer in a beautiful wooden box. It features two channels with two Squarewave-OSC each. The oscillators can be synced per channel to generate the typical sync sound, which sometimes sounds like a special kind of "pseudo-filtering". Then the volume of OSC-1 and OSC-2 per channel can be balanced by the Mixing circuit. After that, both channels are fed into a Filter circuit, which share the Cutoff control. The Filter is realised as a kind of Tilt-EQ, a combination of high-shelf and low-shelf. Add more highs = less lows. More lows = less highs. Thereby it is very simple and effective to shape the overall sound of your stereo drones. After the Filter comes a VCA, which either stays permanently open (what makes the machine a Dronesynth) or it can be modulated by external CVs between 0 to +5V. The audio result is sent to two 6,3mm outputs, which itself feature a mixing circuit (like in many synths) to be able to use it mono with only one cable or stereo.
It makes most sense in a setup with some effect pedals or effects afterwards. We made it for a simple hands-on approach for experimental musicians. Amazona published a test of the Dronesynth (german language) here.